Friday, February 8, 2008

Medical Emergency Proves Wisdom of Biblical Call to Save - Crown Financial Ministries Stories Blog

Check out this recent testimonial from a couple who benefited from Crown...

"My husband and I have been married for 27 years and have followed many of the Biblical financial principles your program repeatedly endorses. The principle of having 3 months living expenses on hand finally proved invaluable to us this year.

In our 27 year marriage, my husband, Bryan, had been to a doctor only 2 or 3 times, never been in the ER, OR, nor admitted to a hospital, and he never even had taken any antibiodics. In September of this year, he found himself with a ruptured appendix and had a hospital stay of a week; he was very sick. In the course of his 6-week recovery, he used accumulated sick days at work but still only received about 2/3 of what he normally earned over that course of time. In addition, we were responsible for a small portion of his medical bills amounting to about $1,500.

Three months after Bryan's surgery (just this past week), our deep freezer (only 7 years old) quit working, and the very same week an ice storm hit our area, and due to some electrical malfunctions during a power outage, our dish washer (5 years old) and VCR/DVD player were zapped.

We have used this scenerio to bear witness to our 3 adult children that God's principles do work, even if it takes 27 years to experience some of the benefits of them. How very grateful we are to have had that 3 month surplus of wages on hand to get through these last 3 months! There were times over the years when we considered using some of that surplus to upgrade to a nicer vehicle, grander vacation, new furniture, etc., but we never had peace about it. Keep up the good work proclaiming the financial freedom that God's Word encourages! Thanks so much!"

Bryan and Barb Burkholder, Lebanon, PA

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