Monday, February 11, 2008

God Adjusts Debt-Thinking and Finances of Chiropractic Student - Crown Financial Ministries Stories Blog

I would like to give a huge praise and thank you to Jesus Christ for what He has done for us. Let me start from the beginning. I began school July 2004 at Life University College of Chiropractic in Marietta, GA. The Holy Spirit challenged me approximately two years ago to stop taking out any school loans. My initial thinking went something like this … great but there is no way this can be done.

My wife is a school teacher which provides basically just enough to pay our day to day expenses. So how were we going to come up with approximately $6500 per quarter? I had no clue how He would provide, but I knew that if it would be done only He could do it.

Well, it has been two years now and our faith has grown much, much stronger, and we have not taken out even one more penny to pay for school. When there seemed to be no open doors, He miraculously provided one. Here are some of the amazing ways He provided: He provided three competitive scholarships in one quarter, a $7300 scholarship that I was not qualified to receive but was given the opportunity to get because I was the only one to apply, a double payment from my wife’s job when they changed the pay cycle, a great work-study job which mostly gave me time to study for class, extra part-time jobs, gifts from family members, incredibly cheap rent for the area, and a few times where we had no idea how the money was in the account (but we definitely knew Who provided it).

I tell you this story because I am no different than any other listener. I followed Howard’s advice as well as other financial experts. Most importantly it forced me to stand on God’s word at all times, especially during the times when it seemed like He was a little late. Well, He was always right on-time and He promises to do the same for you.

P.S. Just before I finished this email, God provided another scholarship that I was not “supposed” to be qualified for. This time it was for an amazing $3500. He does not lie when He promises to give us more than we can imagine.

GOD Bless,

Your brother and sister in Christ

Stephen and Amie , Marietta, GA

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